Dutch for starters
Scholieren op schommel

Course A1

New course (online) A0 - A1 starts 24th of september!

How to sign in? Send an email to: info@dutchforstarters.nl

What will you achieve in the language course A0 - A1?

Block 1 (12 weeks)


  • You will be able to explain who you are. For example; your date of birth, where you are from and which language you spreak

  • You will be able to talk about your family. For example; if you have brothers or sisters and how many

  • You will be able te express what your think tastes nice, looks nice or what you think doesn't

  • You will be able to invite someone and make an appointment with your childs teacher

  • You will be able to greet someone, say goodbye to them and thank them

  • You will be able to express your feeling, for example when your child has fallen illYou will be able to order something in a café or restaurant.


  • You will be able to understand senteces disclosing someone's personal information; for example; where they live or how many children they have

  • You will be able to pick up on the most important information during everyday conversations. For example; about food, hobbies, living situations and school

  • You will be able to understand someone else's questions about the things you like or love.


  • You will be able to write a short note to invite, thank and congratulate someone or to cancel an appointment

  • You will be able to write simple sentences about your family, your house, your occupation and the school your child goes to

  • You will be able to use the comperative and superlative: bigger tgan, smaller than, the warmest, the biggest.


  • You will be able to read short, simple personal letters

  • You will be able to read signs in the street, at the station, at school and in restaurants

  • You will be able to understand simple description of a situation.


  • You wil be able to place personal pronouns, verbs and other sentence parts correctly

  • You will know the difference betreen 'de' en 'het' and their consequences

  • You will be able to use the words 'niet'en 'geen' correctly in a sentence

  • You will be able tot use inversion correctly.

How to sign in? Send an email to: info@dutchforstarters.nl

Gekleurde schorten

Dutch for starters

Dutch lessons for English parents with kids at primary school.

Scholieren op schommel

Course A1

New course (online) A0 - A1 starts 24th of september!

Scholieren op bank

Course A2

New course (online) A1 - A2 starts 22th of september!

Scholieren achter computer

Online courses

Dutch for Starters! geeft ook online lessen Nederlands als tweede taal.

Spelende kinderen


Is your child in need of some help while learning the Dutch language?

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Bel Marieke Rijsbergen, docent NT2 en eigenaar van Dutch for Starters! 0031 614215723